Text to Give

Text to Give Instructions for NEW USERS

Text the amount you would like to donate to our dedicated number (929)227-6622
You will be prompted to visit a secure link.
Using the secure link, create an account and enter your billing information.
Account Information (Enter: name, address, email address, phone number, user name, password, then hit next.
Billing Information (Enter your billing information – hit save)
Once saved, you can reprocess your text message.
Your donation will process.
You will receive a confirmation text showing your donation.
Now that the credit or debit card is linked to the cell number, all you need to do is text your donation amount to the dedicated number and the donation is processed instantly.

Text to Give Instructions for Existing Parish Giving Users
Text the amount you would like to give to your  our dedicated number (929)227-6622
If your Cell Number is not associated with your account, please log in to your Parish Giving account and update your information.
Once saved, please reprocess the amount on your text message and the donation is processed instantly.