Although  masks are no longer required in our churches and parish office
please continue to take necessary preventive measures to ensure safety and good hygiene.

MISSION STATEMENT:  Grateful for God’s Blessings,
the Mission of Transfiguration-St. Stanislaus Kostka Parish
is to pass on the message of God’s love for each and all within its diverse community.


Being a part of a Parish group offers participation in a faith community where you can grow spiritually, build lasting connections, and make a real difference. Experience support, purpose, and belonging—give it a try!


If your child is interested in attending any of the Catholic High Schools within the Brooklyn-Queens Diocese, pleases (a)click here for a list of schools, (b) open house dates. & (c) a guide to choosing a Catholic High School in Brooklyn/Queens  

Click here for some reasons to choose a Catholic School


Download the app from the App Store or get it on Google Play.
     This app offers a way to stay connected with us  in English and in Spanish, right from your phone, and to grow in faith with the best Catholic content.  
 Descarga la aplicación desde App Store o consíguela en Google Play.
    Esta aplicación ofrece una manera de mantenerse conectado con nosotros en inglés y en español, directamente desde su teléfono, y crecer en la fe con el mejor contenido católico.

Stewardship Program:
Join us as we sustain
Transfiguration-St. Stanislaus Kostka

Programa de administración:
Únase a nosotros mientras sostenemos
Transfiguración-St. Estanislao Kostka

 We would like to join you in praying for your specific needs.
Please cli
ck here to submit your prayer request.
Your request will
be added to our Prayer Request Page so that we may keep your  request in our prayers.  (
If you wish to keep your request private, please indicate that in the request.)
Praying for Vocations calendar
Please pray for our
Brooklyn-Queens Priests and Seminarians  

You’re Not Fully You
When Your Soul Is Hungry!
Sign up to receive Dynamic Catholic’s new Free emails:
Feed Your Soul Gospel Reflections…
what better nourishment is there than diving deeper into the Sunday Gospels! ⇒click here to sign up today!

Our communities and world need leaders with a foundation in their faith and strong moral values. That’s the aim of Catholic education at St. Stanislaus Kostka Catholic Academy of Queens.   Click here to read more…

Click here to read


Please take the time to read all of the articles, look at the illustrations,
and enjoy the writing.


Academy students singing at the 9/11 Monument in Maspeth  Memorial Park remembering
the heroes of Maspeth
      SSK Academy Third Graders at Sunday Mass
Jan 21, 2024

Our St. Stanislaus Kostka Academy Performing Arts Players singing  at the
Candle Light Vigil
at the Maspeth Veteran Triangle

The Saint Stan’s Performing Arts Players

Proudly Present

“On Eagle’s Wings”

Cardinals appear when angels are near. Members of the St. Stan’s Players perform On Eagles Wings to honor the angels that were  flying in the Parish Memory Garden at St. Stan’s Church Grotto
and at Transfiguration Church.

Our Players were chosen to perform at the Futures in Education Annual Scholarship Fund Dinner.  Their rendition of the song “I Lived” is a testament to the talents our Players possess.  It is truly an honor to be representing Catholic Education at the Futures in Education Dinner.


St. Stanislaus Kostka Catholic Academy of Queens is supported by Futures in Education, the organization that administers our needs-based scholarship program.Futures in Education is proud to provide partial tuition assistance for families demonstrating financial need, and who meet eligibility requirements, to attend a Catholic academy or school in Brooklyn or Queens.
Click here for scholarship application informationTo donate go to
& designate your gift to St. Stanislaus Kostka Catholic Academy of Queens. *Please don’t forget to select our school from the dropdown to ensure we qualify for the match!
Please make sure to check out all the amazing work Futures is doing by heading to their website:

List of Catholic High Schools  in Brooklyn & Queens

Guide to Choosing a Catholic High School 

Open House Dates

To donate online
text Donate to 917-336-1255
or scan the QR code below with your smart phone or visit
Para donar en línea
envíe un mensaje de texto con una donación al 917-336-1255
o escanee el código QR a continuación con su teléfono inteligente o visite


The 2024 Annual Catholic Appeal: a journey of faith, unity, and purpose. This year, we are Called to Communion, Participation, and Mission – a powerful theme that encapsulates the essence of our shared commitment to make a meaningful impact.

Individually, none of us can fully address the needs of our diocese. However, when we come together, we have the power to accomplish remarkable things! The Annual Catholic Appeal offers us the chance to continue spreading Christ’s love throughout Brooklyn and Queens, providing hope in the process. (click here to read more)

La Campaña Católica Anual de 2024: un viaje de fe, unidad y propósito. Este año, estamos llamados a la comunión, la participación y la misión , un tema poderoso que resume la esencia de nuestro compromiso compartido de generar un impacto significativo.

Individualmente, ninguno de nosotros puede abordar plenamente las necesidades de nuestra diócesis. Sin embargo, cuando nos unimos, ¡tenemos el poder de lograr cosas extraordinarias! La Campaña Católica Anual nos ofrece la oportunidad de continuar difundiendo el amor de Cristo por Brooklyn y Queens, brindando esperanza en el proceso. (haga clic aquí para leer más)

Follow Bishop Robert J. Brennan on Facebook and
on Big City Catholics Podcast

•Join the Knights of Lithuania (membership now open to Non-Lithuanian Christians)  click here for pictures of KofL President, Dr. Paul Michael Kazas, with Lithuanian Dignitaries


Click Here for Parish Calendars
(Please note:  events may be added, deleted or rescheduled due to unanticipated circumstances)


Parish Giving

We are glad to inform you that we offer a wonderful stewardship tool:  Online Giving with! As a parish that seeks to serve, we wanted to provide you the convenience of being able to give the way you want, whenever you want.

Online Giving offers you the opportunity to make secure, automatic contributions from your bank [or credit card] account to our church.

Online Giving costs you nothing and provides many advantages to you and the parish…click on the Parish Giving logo to register today!

Are you looking for software for your church?
Donarius Church Management Software is our choice.