A different Lenten path…
1. Daily Mass…in addition to Sunday Mass
Resolve to go to weekday Mass during Lent…we celebrate daily Mass 8:30am (Mon-Sat) and 12 Noon (Mon –Fri).
2. Add an element of specific intercession
When you attend Mass… pick someone in your life to offer your Mass up for each time you go. Afterwards send them a simple, but personalized note, email or text letting them know about it. Invite your child or grandchild to do the same.
3. Sign up For the Best Lent Ever…it’s free and offer daily emails with inspirations, reflections and videos.
4. Staycation Pilgrimage
Maybe you can’t get to the Holy Land or to a major shrine during Lent, but consider walking over to St. Stans and say a prayer at our Grotto, or walk over to Transfiguration and say a prayer before the statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. …have a friend, your child or grandchild join you on the pilgrimage.
5. Pray It Forward
Pray the Rosary every day (or on specific set days) for the intentions of someone in your life and give the person you prayed for the Rosary that you used. Invite them to do the same. You can follow the Rosary on our Facebook page or our YouTube Channel.
6. Pray Like a Monk
Pray the Liturgy of the Hours, which is the official prayer of the Church and is actually not just for monks and nuns at all. Perhaps you can start with either morning, evening, or night prayer. Maybe you want to go big and dive into all three. Don’t have a breviary? No problem. There’s an app for that.
7. Get on Your Knees
If you don’t already, consider praying by your bedside on your knees before you go to bed and when you wake up…make it a family experience! St. John Paul II reported that it was very impactful to observe that his father carried out this practice.
8. A Chaplet a Day
Incorporate the chaplet of Divine Mercy into your daily prayer. The chaplet is a powerful prayer that can take place in the span of ten minutes or so on a commute, during a lunch break, or whenever the opportunity arises. (You could also offer chaplets for specific people and give them the beads as in number three).
9. Stations of the Cross
Join us for Stations of the Cross via our website. We are offering them virtually due to Pandemic restriction.
10. Desert Journal
Keep a Lenten journal to catalogue your journey with Christ into the desert. Lenten Journals were given out on Ash Wednesday. (Call the Rectory for a journal).
11. Lectio Divina
Read the Bible daily during Lent.
1.) Pick a short passage to read
2.) meditate on it
3.) pray about it
4.) listen to what God speaks to your heart
5.) enact God’s Word in your life.
(Jesus’ time in the desert was a journey of silence and solitude. Take time to spend time alone with God in silence. Put your phone on silent or even turn your phone off while you pray)