- •That We May Imitate What They Contain, And Obtain What They Promise: a consideration of the holy Rosary
•The Easter Season: The 50 Days the Church devotes to contemplate the Mystery of the Resurrection
•Praying the Rosary
•May, The Month of Mary (An article by Fr. Wilson)
•Are you Hungry Yet?
•Some Words of Hope
•Stations of the Cross
•Stations of the Cross video +A Different Lenten Path
•2022 Golf Outing
•2022 Luau
•2022 Past Night
•2023 Tablet Article Maria Guadagno & Michael Edmonds
•2023 The Passion in the Scriptures: A Parish Lenten Series
•2023 Anniversaries Journal, Pictures and Currents
•2023 Auggie Vinti
•2023 Jonathan Fanning, Internationally renowned Speaker “Who are Your Becoming”
•2023 Holy Name Festa Italiana
•2024 Lenten Series
•2024 Bus Trip to the National Shrine of the Divine Mercy
•May Crowning Prayer
•2025 Our Lady of Guadalupe Celebration