
Your child’s baptism is a joyful occasion for you and your family, and for the whole Church as well.
To arrange for the baptism, please call the rectory office (718-326-2185) and ask to speak to a Priest.
You will agree with him on a date and time to meet, and during that meeting he will take down the information necessary for the parish baptismal register.
Please be prepared to present a copy of the child’s birth certificate; information in our baptismal register must agree with the civil birth certificate.

Choosing godparents for your child is a significant, faith-centered decision. Godparents sponsor their godchild into the Church; as with any organization, sponsors need to be members in good standing. A godparent should be a practicing Catholic, faithful to the Sunday Mass and able to be a model of faith for your child. He or she must have been confirmed in the Church, a Catholic in good standing, at least sixteen years of age. You can have one or two godparents; if two, one must be a male, and the other a female (you can also have one godparent of either sex, and another person who is a baptized member of another Christian denomination who serves as a “Christian Witness”).

At this meeting anything else you wish to discuss can be taken care of (i.e., if you need to register as a parishioner, have any other sacramental or spiritual need, want information about a parish program, want to go to confession…).

Lastly, you and the Priest will agree on the date and time of the baptism, in St Stanislaus Church or Transfiguration Church. The baptismal liturgy is scheduled for the convenience of your family and friends.

We are always grateful when parents or guardians present a child for Baptism; this is a wonderful occasion of grace for all of us.