God has a plan for each of us -our vocation-
and we need to seek God’s will, as well as support
and encourage one another. We all have a role in cultivating a culture of vocations in Brooklyn & Queens.
Please visit the Diocesan website: http://brooklynpriests.org/
to find out about Brooklyn Priests, the Priesthood, Discernment,
Vocation events, Vocation stories, and who to contact for more information.if you .
Click on any of the titles below to learn more about how we can support and
encourage vocations.
- Catholic Priesthood FAQ
- Vocation Mythbusters for Parents
- Seven Ways Families Can Foster Vocations
- What Can I Do As A Parishioner?
- Invisible Monastery Pledge to pray daily or weekly for vocations (https://www.invisiblemonastery.com/)
Members of Invisible Monastery are encouraged to pray for vocations in a variety of ways:- Offer private intentions at Mass
- Pray the Rosary for vocations
- Dedicate part of a Holy Hour to pray vocations
- Offer up personal sacrifices
- Other personal devotions and prayers.
Diocesan Vocation Events
- Brooklyn Evenings of Fraternity: Holy Hour // Conference // Dinner (5pm – 7pm)
- Jeremiah Project: High School Discernment Group (Overnight Friday 5:30p0m – Saturday 1:00pm)
- Vocations Retreat with Bishop DiMarzio March 2 – 4, 2018