Are you Hungry Yet?

     Each and every family meal can be a ‘eucharistic’ moment—a time of charity and being nourished in both body and soul. Now, before you roll your eyes at us and say “Yeah, right, explain that to my screaming three year old,” watch this episode of Closing the Social Distance, and hear us out! Our meals this side of paradise will always be imperfect, one way or another. But the way we enjoy the main meal each day helps train us for things well beyond table manners: it teaches us something about communion with each other, and that is what we await in the Mass!
     Fr. Henry mentions the film Babette’s Feast in this episode: to find out more, click on the blue  link. You can stream it on Amazon Prime and iTunes, too.
     Stay well, and stay hungry—for God!
     Oremus pro invicem—let’s pray for each other,
The Dominican Friars