2022 Luau

     The stormy weather didn’t keep over 130 people from attending our Parish Luau with Hawaiian music, entertainment by our St. Stans Players, Hula dancing, limbo, 50/50, tropical drinks and delicious food.

     It was wonderful to see so many from our  parish groups enjoy the evening along with our priests,  parishioners, family and friends:  St. Stan’s Sports, Holy Name, Rosary Altar, Spanish Prayer Group,  St. Stans Academy,  Home Academy, and Rectory Staff as well as our friends, Maspeth Federal Savings and the Kowalinski Post. 

2022 Golf Outing

30 players enjoyed a beautiful day of golf at the  Northshore Towers & Country Club in Floral park Thursday, September 29th.

Many thanks to the  Holy Name Society and the following sponsors who helped make the event  a success:

Maspeth Federal Savings, Carlow East Bar, Ridgewood Savings Bank, St. Stan’s Sports, Frank’s Deli, Aiello & Cannick Attorneys,  Connolly’s Corner Bar and Grill, Danny’s Pizzeria and Restaurant, John Bell-BAGC, Maspeth Lions Club, Spolinis Italian Restaurant, The Martin Luther School.

Tommy Dobranski

A life-changing request if there ever was any…please read it and if you feel comfortable, please pass it along to your social networks. The more people who see this, the more chances Tommy will have for a donor.
 You all know Tommy Dobranski:
husband, dad, pop-pop, son, brother, family man, colleague, and friend to many.
You may also know or perhaps you are just finding out, he has been very sick with liver cancer.
This cancer has been treated through several ablations, embolizations and immunotherapy, to control tumor growth.
Tom is doing the work, but he needs some help, and he is certainly hopeful and
determined to beat this.
We know it’s a lot to ask, but would anyone be interested in learning more about being his living donor?
Simply put, we need someone soon who is a blood type match: A-, A+ or O and is willing to donate a piece of his or her liver to save his life.
Another main criterion is you need to be between the ages of 18 to 55 years old.
If you are inclined to register, which is the first step, please do so at LivingDonorReg.UPMC.com

2022 Parish Anniversaries Journal Letter/Ad Form

One of the ways we will be celebrating  the anniversaries of our merged parish is to publish a commemorative journal filled with history, pictures, sentiments and well wishes.
Parishioners, families, alumni, friends and neighbors are invited to participate by placing an ad in what will be a wonderful part of this exciting time in our parish history.
Also, if you are comfortable in doing so, why not take a journal ad letter and form, to the stores you visit in Maspeth, Middle Village, Ridgewood and other surrounding areas that would like to be included in the journal.
Your kindness and support, as well as theirs, will be memorialize in this extraordinary tribute to 265 Years of Faith Filled Community in Maspeth!

Una de las formas en que celebraremos los aniversarios de nuestra parroquia fusionada es publicar un diario conmemorativo lleno de historia, imágenes, sentimientos y buenos deseos.
Se invita a los feligreses, familias, ex alumnos, amigos y vecinos a participar colocando un anuncio en lo que será una parte maravillosa de este momento emocionante en la historia de nuestra parroquia.
Además, si se siente cómodo haciéndolo, ¿por qué no lleva una carta y un formulario de anuncio de la revista (haga clic aquí y está disponible en la Rectoría) a las tiendas que visite en Maspeth, Middle Village, Ridgewood y otras áreas circundantes que deseen incluirse en el diario.
¡Su amabilidad y apoyo, así como el de ellos, serán conmemorados en este extraordinario tributo al 265 Años de la Comunidad Llena de Fe en Maspeth!




¡Nuestras iglesias están abiertas para la celebración pública de la misa!

8:30 AM en la Iglesia de San Estanislao 12 del mediodía en la Iglesia de la Transfiguración
8:30 AM Misa en la Iglesia de San Estanislao
3PM Confesiones en la Iglesia de la Transfiguración
4PM Misa de vigilia para el domingo en la Iglesia de la Transfiguración
8AM [San Estanislao], 9:30 AM [Transfiguración],
11AM [San Estanislao]
12:30 PM Misa en español [San Estanislao],
12:30 PM [La misa tradicional latina en la Transfiguración]

Pedimos su cooperación; Si todos observan las precauciones de seguridad establecidas por el Estado y avaladas por el Obispo, podemos permanecer abiertos de manera segura, sin incidentes.

Ya no se requieren máscaras; sin embargo, pedimos que aquellos que no estén completamente vacunados usen una máscara. • Por favor: MANTENGA LA DISTANCIA SOCIAL • Por favor respete las áreas bloqueadas y evite tocar las estatuas.

Por ahora, no hay misaltos, no hay señales de paz, y la Sagrada Comunión se administra solo con el Anfitrión (las “tarjetas del banco” se pueden encontrar haciendo clic aquí y leer desde su teléfono o tableta).

Al acercarse para la Comunión, por favor, acérquese en fila india, dejando suficiente espacio entre usted y la persona que está frente a usted. Te animamos a recibir la Sagrada Hostia en tus manos; si desea recibir en la lengua, como es su derecho, por favor suba al final de la línea.

 ¡Es MARAVILLOSO tenerlos de regreso a misa!

Our Churches Are Open for Mass

Our churches are open for the public celebration of Mass!

8:30AM at St Stanislaus Church     12 Noon at Transfiguration Church

8:30AM daily Mass at St. Stanislaus Church
3PM Confessions at Transfiguration Church
4PM Vigil Mass for Sunday at Transfiguration Church

8AM [St Stanislaus], 9:30AM [Transfiguration],
11AM [St Stanislaus]
12:30PM Spanish Mass [St Stanislaus],
12:30PM [The Traditional Latin Mass at Transfiguration]
1:30PM [Transfiguration] Lithuanian/English*
*2nd Sunday of every month except July & Aug

Governor Hochul’s recent announcement of the expiration of the mask mandate includes our churches and parish offices.  While this means that masks are no longer required in our churches and parish office please continue to take necessary preventive measures to ensure safety and good hygiene.

For now, there is no sign of peace, and Holy Communion is administered with the Host only (the “pew cards” can be found by clicking here and read from your phone or tablet).

Approaching for Communion, please come up in single file, leaving plenty of space between yourself and the person in front of you. We encourage you to receive the sacred Host in your hands; if you wish to receive on the tongue, as is your right, please come up at the end of the line.

It is WONDERFUL to have you all back for Mass!!

Stations of the Cross

Stations of the Cross:  click here
(This is a large file and may take time to download; please be patient)

There are a number of methods for praying the Way of the Cross and
a legitimate and holy variety of prayers, meditations and hymns that
may be employed according to the devotion of the Church. This
booklet contains two complete sets of prayers: a version of the well loved
Via Crucis composed by Saint Alphonsus Ligouri, and a set of

modern meditations composed by Father Stefano Penna, a priest of
the Diocese of Saskatoon, Canada. The second Way of the Cross
includes a “Fifteenth Station,” a meditation on Christ’s Resurrection,
which should be omitted on Good Friday.


That We May Imitate What They Contain, And Obtain What They Promise: a consideration of the holy Rosary

That We May Imitate What They Contain,
And Obtain What They Promise:
a consideration of the holy Rosary

–An article by Fr. Joseph Wilson

Seen from outside, Catholicism seems monolithic. Outsiders see a large institution, encrusted with customs and traditions, lists of things one must do, and must not do. It seems to outsiders as though things are pretty much the same wherever one goes, in every Catholic church.

But this is actually not true…  Click to read more