Our Churches Are Open for Mass

Our churches are open for the public celebration of Mass!

8:30AM at St Stanislaus Church     12 Noon at Transfiguration Church

8:30AM daily Mass at St. Stanislaus Church
3PM Confessions at Transfiguration Church
4PM Vigil Mass for Sunday at Transfiguration Church

8AM [St Stanislaus], 9:30AM [Transfiguration],
11AM [St Stanislaus]
12:30PM Spanish Mass [St Stanislaus],
12:30PM [The Traditional Latin Mass at Transfiguration]
1:30PM [Transfiguration] Lithuanian/English*
*2nd Sunday of every month except July & Aug

Governor Hochul’s recent announcement of the expiration of the mask mandate includes our churches and parish offices.  While this means that masks are no longer required in our churches and parish office please continue to take necessary preventive measures to ensure safety and good hygiene.

For now, there is no sign of peace, and Holy Communion is administered with the Host only (the “pew cards” can be found by clicking here and read from your phone or tablet).

Approaching for Communion, please come up in single file, leaving plenty of space between yourself and the person in front of you. We encourage you to receive the sacred Host in your hands; if you wish to receive on the tongue, as is your right, please come up at the end of the line.

It is WONDERFUL to have you all back for Mass!!